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Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire

Location: Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire

Value: £60,000,000

Client: Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation


Master Planning, Residential, Mixed Use

Project Team: 

Trevor Colman

Colman Architects was asked to investigate the possibilities to improve an area within Letchworth that was deemed to not positively contribute to the Town Centre.

Our response sought to improve the critical mass of the retail by providing larger shops that will attract both national and international retailers. In addition, the proposals reinforced the historical leisure uses to the south of the site by creating a new Town Square with surrounding restaurants and cafes, adjacent to the Grade II listed Hall.

The budget cost for this mixed use development was £60m and included 80,000 sq./ft. of retail space and 8,000 sq./ft. of leisure facilities. 365 underground car parking spaces would be provided for the 250 contemporary residential units made up of flats, maisonettes and penthouse apartments, surrounded by landscaped gardens. The project incorporate sustainable measures that would not only affect the design and construction processes but also the lifetime cost of running the building.

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